memanipulasi garam untuk membangun tempat penampungan untuk hibernasi
pertama kalinya, para peneliti telah mendeteksi interaksi tidak diketahui antara
mikroorganisme dan garam. Ketika sel Escherichia coli yang diperkenalkan ke dalam tetesan air garam
yang tersisa , bakteri memanipulasi kristalisasi natrium klorida untuk membuat
biomineralogical biosaline 3-D dari segi morfologi kompleks formasi, dimana
mereka hibernasi . Setelah
itu, hanya dengan materi rehidrasi , bakteri dihidupkan kembali. Penemuan ini dibuat secara
kebetulan dengan mikroskop rumah.... tetapi membuat
penutup 'Astrobiology' jurnal dan bisa menolong kita menemukan tanda-tanda
kehidupan di planet lain.
Bacteria manipulate salt to build shelters to hibernate
July 25,
Plataforma SINC
For the first time, researchers have detected an
unknown interaction between microorganisms and salt. When Escherichia coli
cells are introduced into a droplet of salt water that is left to dry, bacteria
manipulate the sodium chloride crystallization to create biomineralogical
biosaline 3-D morphologically complex formations, where they hibernate.
Afterwards, simply by rehydrating the material, bacteria are revived. The
discovery was made by chance with a home microscope.
For the first time, Spanish researchers have detected an
unknown interaction between microorganisms and salt. When Escherichia coli
cells are introduced into a droplet of salt water that is left to dry, bacteria
manipulate the sodium chloride crystallisation to create biomineralogical
biosaline 3-D morphologically complex formations, where they hibernate.
Afterwards, simply by rehydrating the material, bacteria are revived. The
discovery was made by chance with a home microscope, but it made the cover of
the 'Astrobiology' journal and may help us find signs of life on other planets.
bacterium Escherichia coli is one of the most studied living forms by biologists,
but none had to date noticed what this microorganism can do within a simple
drop of salt water: create impressive biomineralogical patterns in which it
shelters itself when it dries.
"It was
a complete surprise, a fully unexpected result, when I introduced E.. coli
cells into salt water and I realised that the bacteria had the ability to join
the salt crystallisation and modulate the development and growth of the sodium
chloride crystals," biologist José María Gómez said.
in around four hours, in the drop of water that had dried, an impressive
tapestry of biosaline patterns was created with complex 3D architecture,"
added the researcher, who made the discovery with the microscope in his house,
although he later confirmed it with the help of his colleagues from the
Laboratory of BioMineralogy and Astrobiological Research (LBMARS, University of
Valladolid-CSIC), Spain.
present, we knew of similar patterns created from saline solutions and isolated
proteins, but this is the first report that demonstrates how whole bacterial
cells can manage the crystallisation of sodium chloride (NaCl) and generate
self-organised biosaline structures of a fractal or dendritic appearance. The
study and the striking three-dimensional patterns are on the front cover of
this month's edition of Astrobiology.
most interesting result is that the bacteria enter a state of hibernation
inside these desiccated patterns, but they can later be 'revived' simply by
rehydration," said Gómez, who highlighted a very important result from an
astrobiological point of view: "Given the richness and complexity of these
formations, they may be used as biosignatures in the search for life in
extremely dry environments outside our own planet, such as the surface of Mars
or that of Jupiter's satellite, Europa."
In fact, the
LBMARS laboratory participates in the development of the Raman RLS instrument
of the ExoMars rover, the mission that the European Space Agency (ESA) will
send to the red planet in 2018, and this new finding may help them search for
possible biological signs. According to the researcher, "the patterns
observed will help calibrate the instrument and test its detection of signs of
hibernation or traces of Martian life."
challenge we now face is to understand how the bacteria control the
crystallisation of NaCl to create these incredible 3D structures and
vice-versa, how salt influences this action, as well as studying the structure
of these microorganisms that withstand desiccation," said Gómez, who
reminds us that a simple curiosity and excitement about science, although it
may be with simple means, still allows us to make some interesting discoveries:
"This is a tribute to scientists such as the Spaniard Santiago Ramón y
Cajal and the Dutch scientist Anton van Leeuwenhoek, who also worked from home
with their own microscopes"
The above
story is based on materials provided by Plataforma SINC. Note: Materials may be edited for content and
- José María Gómez Gómez, Jesús Medina, David Hochberg, Eva Mateo-Martí, Jesús Martinez-Frias, Fernando Rull. Drying Bacterial Biosaline Patterns Capable of Vital Reanimation upon Rehydration: Novel Hibernating Biomineralogical Life Formations. Astrobiology, 2014; 140630120042004 DOI: 10.1089/ast.2014.1162