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Oil, gas development homogenizing core-forest bird communities
May 21, 2014
Penn State
Conventional oil and gas development in northern
Pennsylvania altered bird communities, and the current massive build-out of
shale-gas infrastructure may accelerate these changes, according to
researchers. The commonwealth's Northern Tier -- one of the largest blocks of
Eastern deciduous forest in the entire Appalachian region -- is an important
breeding area for neotropical migrant songbirds. These diminutive,
insect-eating creatures, which breed in Pennsylvania and winter in Central and
South America, contribute greatly to the health of forests.
Conventional oil and gas development in northern
Pennsylvania altered bird communities, and the current massive build-out of
shale-gas infrastructure may accelerate these changes, according to researchers
in Penn State's College of Agricultural Sciences. The commonwealth's Northern
Tier -- one of the largest blocks of Eastern deciduous forest in the entire
Appalachian region -- is an important breeding area for neotropical migrant
songbirds. These diminutive, insect-eating creatures, which breed in
Pennsylvania and winter in Central and South America, contribute greatly to the
health of forests.
But they are
being negatively affected in areas where there are high densities of shallow
oil and gas wells, says Margaret Brittingham, professor of wildlife resources,
who conducted a study of bird communities in the Allegheny National Forest. The
national forest, on the extensively forested Allegheny Plateau in northwestern
Pennsylvania, has more than 14,000 active oil and gas wells. Although the
footprint of a shallow well is much smaller than the immense Marcellus Shale
well pads now being built across the region, clusters of shallow wells, service
roads, pads and pipelines create networks of disturbance that fragment forests,
changing songbird communities, Brittingham explained.
cumulative effect of many small-scale disturbances within the forest is
resulting in the homogenization of bird communities, with species that inhabit
the interior forest, such as black-throated blue warblers, ovenbirds and
Blackburnian warblers being pushed out, and species that prefer living in edge
habitat and near people and development, such as robins, blue jays and mourning
doves, moving in," she said.
homogenization is a subtle process by which generalists replace specialists,
with common and widespread species tending to become more abundant and habitat
specialists declining. Our results revealed changes in avian guilds resulting
from oil and gas development and suggest that a loss of community uniqueness is
a consequence."
The study,
done in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Northern Forest
Research Station, took place over three years. Lead researcher Emily Thomas, at
the time a graduate student advised by Brittingham, surveyed birds in 50-acre
blocks selected for their varied amount of oil and gas development.
completed her master's degree in wildlife and fisheries science and is
currently an instructor in the wildlife technology program at Penn State
In a
recently published issue of the Journal of Wildlife Management, the
researchers documented the presence or absence of different songbird species in
a range of landscapes, including undisturbed forest, low-density oil and gas
development, and high-density development. They catalogued the abundance and
diversity of songbirds in the study areas, which spanned two types of forest --
northern hardwood and oak.
wanted to find out what the well pads, roads, pipelines and other openings
created by oil and gas development are doing to bird populations," said
Brittingham. "We compared and contrasted the abundance and diversity of
birds near well sites to bird communities in reference sites far away from
disturbances in the big woods, and what we found was compelling." Forest
interior species declined in proximity to the wells and at a rate that was
roughly proportional to the intensity of gas development. Songbird species that
prefer early successional habitat increased in abundance on the edge of gas
In addition,
Brittingham noted, the generalist bird species that do better around people and
tend to be common wherever there are people or development were more abundant
near oil and gas development than within undisturbed forest -- potentially
displacing the forest specialists.
expansive development of Marcellus Shale gas, which began within the core forests
of northcentral Pennsylvania around 2007, is increasing exponentially. Deep,
horizontal shale gas wells differ substantially from shallow, conventional oil
and gas wells in many ways.
well pads are immense but occur at a much lower density. Drillers install pad
substrate of stone to support heavy equipment, and the drillers use a much
greater quantity of water for hydrofracturing. That technology demands greatly
increased levels of truck traffic on wider, more highly engineered roads. Brittingham
and her students are currently studying the effects of shale-gas development on
birds to determine how it affects avian communities.
are easy to study and survey to gauge the impacts of gas development because
they are abundant, respond quickly to habitat change and are early indicators
of problems," she said. "The bottom line is we are going to have
resource extraction in this state, but the forests on top of it are providing
clean water, clean air, climate regulation and a host of other ecological
need to maintain them as healthy, functioning ecosystems while extracting the
gas. We hope our research will help to determine where thresholds of change
occur and to identify areas where gas development should be avoided or minimal
at best to protect these valuable ecological services that are provided
free-of-charge to all of us."
The above
story is based on materials provided by Penn State. The original article was written by Jeff
Mulhollem. Note: Materials may be edited for content and length.
- Emily H. Thomas, Margaret C. Brittingham, Scott H. Stoleson. Conventional oil and gas development alters forest songbird communities. The Journal of Wildlife Management, 2014; 78 (2): 293 DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.662
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Penn State. "Oil, gas
development homogenizing core-forest bird communities." ScienceDaily.
ScienceDaily, 21 May 2014.