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Ritual aneh atau kanibalisme ? Neanderthal manipulasi tubuh orang dewasa dan anak-anak tak lama setelah kematian
Neanderthal dari wilayah Perancis Poitou - Charentes memotong , memukul dan mematahkan tulang rekan mereka yang baru saja meninggal , seperti yang diungkapkan oleh sisa-sisa fosil dari dua orang dewasa dan seorang anak yang ditemukan di situs Marillac . Manipulasi ini telah diamati di situs Neanderthal lainnya , tetapi para ilmuwan masih tidak tahu apakah mereka melakukan ini untuk makanan atau upacara . Para ilmuwan telah menemukan sejumlah besar sisa-sisa tulang hominid ini .....read more
Strange rituals
or cannibalism? Neanderthals manipulated bodies of adults and children shortly
after death
April 14, 2015
Plataforma SINC
Neanderthals from the
French region of Poitou-Charentes cut, beat and fractured the bones of their
recently deceased companions, as revealed by the fossil remains of two adults
and a child found at the Marillac site. These manipulations have been observed
at other Neanderthal sites, but scientists still do not know whether they did
this for food or ceremony. Scientists have discovered a large quantity of bone
remains of these hominids.
neanderthals from the
French region of Poitou-Charentes cut, beat and fractured the bones of their
recently deceased companions, as revealed by the fossil remains of two adults
and a child found at the Marillac site. These manipulations have been observed
at other Neanderthal sites, but scientists still do not know whether they did
this for food or ceremony.
Since the Marillac site in France was unearthed, the discovery of fossil
remains of animals (90% belonging to reindeer), humans and Mousterian tools has
enabled the site to be identified as a hunting area for Neanderthals (Homo
neanderthalensis). But the most surprising thing about the site is the presence
of a large quantity of bone remains of these hominids, many of which are yet to
be analysed.
Now, a study published in the American Journal of Physical
Anthropology has for the first time analysed the fragments of three
individuals found between 1967 and 1980 at the French site dating back some
57,600 years. These are an incomplete diaphysis (middle part of long bones) of
a right radius, another of a left fibula and the majority of a right femur. The
latter belonged to a child.
When compared to the remains of other Neanderthals and modern humans, the
scientists confirm not only the strength and rounded form of Neanderthal bones,
but they also identify on the three bones manipulations made very shortly after
the individuals' death.
As María Dolores Garralda, professor at the Complutense University of
Madrid, a researcher at the University of Bordeaux in France and the main
author of the study, explains: "Some Neanderthal groups cut and tore apart
child or adult corpses shortly after death (perimortem) using lytic
Cuts, beating, fracturing and stains
The femur fragment, which appears to be from a child who died at the age of
9 or 10, shows two large cut marks half a centimetre apart. From its state of
preservation, the researchers suggest that the bone was fractured when still
fresh with the aim of separating the upper and lower extreme of the femur,
where the joints are located.
"The upper edge exhibits marks of a "post-mortem" impact
with conchoidal markings (those that does not follow natural separation
positions)," the study sets out. The lower region possesses a clear,
oblique spiral break which seems to have occurred while the bone was fresh.
"Given the morphology of the fractures, it may be that the body of
this child was manipulated shortly after death. The right leg received a series
of blows that fractured the femur, and the cut marks identified are anthropic
in nature; in other words, there is no visible evidence of animal bites,"
Garralda notes.
The bones of the two adults show these and other markings. The fragment of
the radius, possibly belonging to a man, also has small, fine cut marks made
with flint tools shortly after death. "The most significant are three
striations together crossing over each other while the bone was still
fresh," the study describes.
As for the fibula, although the fresh fractures of both extremes can be
seen, there are also signs of percussion at the lower end. But "there is
no evidence of cuts or traces of carnivores' teeth," the researcher
insists. Unlike to the other two fragments of bones analysed, the fibula fossil
exhibits numerous manganese stains; manganese is a very abundant mineral in the
cave which gives bones a black colour.
Cannibalism or rituals?
The team of scientists does not know why they did this: "They might
have been rituals -- still in the 21st century these continue in certain parts
of the world -- or for food -- gastronomic cannibalism or due to need,"
asserts the expert, who remains cautious regarding the hypothesis of cannibalism,
due to the large number of animal bones found on the site which could have been
Neanderthals' food.
"To date we have been able to demonstrate these manipulations at
several Neanderthal sites in Europe, which are of course much more recent,
including in groups of contemporary humans, but we have not been able to
demonstrate the consumption of human meat by Neanderthals (although this has
indeed been done in other much more modern populations)," Garralda
In addition to these perimortem corporal manipulations carried out by
members of the group, other bones found at the Marillac site, also fragmented,
exhibit signs of gnawing or digestion by animals. "These markings and
deformations are clearly distinguishable from those studied in the three Neanderthal
diaphysis," the expert concludes.
Story Source:
The above story is based on materials provided by Plataforma SINC. Note: Materials may be edited
for content and length.
Journal Reference:
1. María Dolores Garralda, Bruno Maureille,
Bernard Vandermeersch. Neanderthal infant and adult infracranial remains
from Marillac (Charente, France).American Journal of Physical
Anthropology, 2014; 155 (1): 99 DOI:10.1002/ajpa.22557