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bedah robotik supervised autonomous in vivo pada jaringan lunak adalah layak----T-REC semarang--komunitas reptil-semarang--KSE-komunitas satwa eksotik--berita artikel terkait tentang bedah dan bedah robotik

bedah robotik supervised autonomous  in vivo pada jaringan lunak adalah layak
studi menunjukkan, Melebihi standar teknik operasi

May 4, 2016
Children's National Health System
Ahli bedah dan ilmuwan telah menunjukkan bahwa, operasi  otonom robot jaringan lunak pada subjek hidup ( in vivo ) dalam pengaturan bedah terbuka adalah layak dan melebihi teknik klinis standar dalam lingkungan klinis yang dinamis , menurut sebuah studi baru .

Ahli bedah dan ilmuwan dari Sheikh Zayed Institute for Innovation Bedah Pediatric di Sistem Kesehatan Anak Nasional adalah yang pertama untuk menunjukkan bahwa operasi  otonom robot jaringan lunak pada subjek hidup ( in vivo ) dalam pengaturan bedah terbuka layak dan melebihi teknik klinis standar di lingkungan klinis yang dinamis .

Penelitian , yang diterbitkan hari ini di Science Translational Medicine , melaporkan hasil operasi jaringan lunak dilakukan pada kedua jaringan babi mati dan babi hidup menggunakan teknologi eksklusif robot bedah , Smart Tissue Autonomous Robot ( STAR ) , dikembangkan di Children's National. Teknologi ini menghilangkan tangan dokter bedah dari prosedur , memanfaatkan ahli bedah sebagai pengawas , dengan penjahitan jaringan lunak mandiri direncanakan dan dilakukan oleh sistem robot STAR .





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Supervised autonomous in vivo robotic surgery on soft tissues is feasible
Outperforms standard surgery techniques, study shows
May 4, 2016
Children's National Health System
Surgeons and scientists have demonstrated that supervised, autonomous robotic soft tissue surgery on a live subject (in vivo) in an open surgical setting is feasible and outperforms standard clinical techniques in a dynamic clinical environment, according to a new study.
Surgeons and scientists from Sheikh Zayed Institute for Pediatric Surgical Innovation at Children's National Health System are the first to demonstrate that supervised, autonomous robotic soft tissue surgery on a live subject (in vivo) in an open surgical setting is feasible and outperforms standard clinical techniques in a dynamic clinical environment.
The study, published today in Science Translational Medicine, reports the results of soft tissue surgeries conducted on both inanimate porcine tissue and living pigs using proprietary robotic surgical technology, Smart Tissue Autonomous Robot (STAR), developed at Children's National. This technology removes the surgeon's hands from the procedure, instead utilizing the surgeon as supervisor, with soft tissue suturing autonomously planned and performed by the STAR robotic system.
Soft tissues are the tissues that connect, support or surround other structures and organs of the body such as tendons, ligaments, fascia, skin, fibrous tissues, fat, synovial membranes, muscles, nerves and blood vessels. Currently more than 44.5 million soft tissue surgeries are performed in the U.S. each year.
"Our results demonstrate the potential for autonomous robots to improve the efficacy, consistency, functional outcome and accessibility of surgical techniques," said Dr. Peter C. Kim, Vice President and Associate Surgeon-in-Chief, Sheikh Zayed Institute for Pediatric Surgical Innovation. "The intent of this demonstration is not to replace surgeons, but to expand human capacity and capability through enhanced vision, dexterity and complementary machine intelligence for improved surgical outcomes."
While robot-assisted surgery (RAS) has increased in adoption in healthcare settings, the execution of soft tissue surgery has remained entirely manual, largely because the unpredictable, elastic and plastic changes in soft tissues that occur during surgery, requiring the surgeon to make constant adjustments.
To overcome this challenge, STAR uses a tracking system that integrates near infrared florescent (NIRF) markers and 3D plenoptic vision, which captures light field information to provide images of a scene in three dimensions. This system enables accurate, uninhibited tracking of tissue motion and change throughout the surgical procedure. This tracking is combined with another STAR innovation, an intelligent algorithm that guides the surgical plan and autonomously makes adjustments to the plan in real time as tissue moves and other changes occur. The STAR system also employs force sensing, submillimeter positioning and actuated surgical tools. It has a bed-side lightweight robot arm extended with an articulated laparoscopic suturing tool for a combined eight degrees-of-freedom robot.
"Until now, autonomous robot surgery has been limited to applications with rigid anatomy, such as bone cutting, because they are more predictable," said Axel Krieger, PhD, and technical lead for Smart Tools at Sheikh Zayed Institute for Pediatric Surgical Innovation at Children's National. "By using novel tissue tracking and applied force measurement, coupled with suture automation software, our robotic system can detect arbitrary tissue motions in real time and automatically adjust."
To compare the effectiveness of STAR to other available surgical procedures, the study included two different surgeries performed on inanimate porcine tissue (ex vivo), linear suturing and an end-to-end intestinal anastomosis, which involves connecting the tubular loops of the intestine. The results of each surgery were compared with the same surgical procedure conducted manually by an experienced surgeon, by laparoscopy, and by RAS with the daVinci Surgical System.
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Untuk membandingkan efektivitas STAR untuk prosedur bedah lain yang tersedia , studi termasuk dua operasi yang berbeda dilakukan pada jaringan babi mati ( ex vivo ) , penjahitan linear dan an end-to-end intestinal anastomosis , yang melibatkan menghubungkan loop tubular dari usus . Hasil dari setiap operasi dibandingkan dengan prosedur bedah yang sama dilakukan secara manual oleh seorang ahli bedah yang berpengalaman , dengan laparoskopi , dan oleh RAS dengan sistem bedah daVinci .

Intestinal anastomosis was the surgical procedure conducted on the living subjects (in vivo) in the study. The Children's National research team conducted four anastomosis surgeries on living pigs using STAR technology and all subjects survived with no complications. The study compared these results to the same procedure conducted manually by an experienced surgeon using standard surgical tools.
"We chose the complex task of anastomosis as proof of concept because this soft tissue surgery is performed over one million times in the U.S. annually," said Dr. Kim.
All surgeries were compared based on the metrics of anastomosis including the consistency of suturing based on average suture spacing, the pressure at which the anastomosis leaked, the number of mistakes that required removing the needle from the tissue, completion time and lumen reduction, which measures any constriction in the size of the tubular opening.

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Semua operasi dibandingkan berdasarkan metrik dari anastomosis termasuk konsistensi penjahitan berdasarkan jarak jahitan rata , tekanan di mana anastomosis bocor , jumlah kesalahan yang diperlukan menghapus jarum dari jaringan , waktu penyelesaian dan pengurangan lumen , yang mengukur setiap penyempitan dalam ukuran pembukaan tubular .

The comparison showed that supervised autonomous robotic procedures using STAR proved superior to surgery performed by experienced surgeons and RAS techniques, whether on static porcine tissues or on living specimens, in areas such as consistent suture spacing, which helps to promote healing, and in withstanding higher leak pressures, as leakage can be a significant complication from anastomosis surgery. Mistakes requiring needle removal were minimal and lumen reduction for the STAR surgeries was within the acceptable range.
In the comparison using living subjects, the manual control surgery took less time, eight minutes versus 35 minutes for the fastest STAR procedure, however researchers noted that the duration of the STAR surgery was comparable to the average for clinical laparoscopic anastomosis, which ranges from 30 minutes to 90 minutes, depending on complexity of the procedure.
........Komunitas T-REC semarang,komunitas reptil tugumuda reptiles community semarang,komunitas reptil tugumuda semarang,komunitas semarang,komunitas reptil semarang.............kenali dan dalami satwa dan reptil  dengan bergabung bersama kami,hubungi 08995557626 / 764047D2.....

........Komunitas KSE ,komunitas satwa eksotik ,komunitas satwa.............kenali dan dalami satwa dan reptil  dengan bergabung bersama kami,hubungi 08995557626 / 764047D2.....
Dalam perbandingan menggunakan subjek  hidup , operasi kontrol manual mengambil sedikit waktu , delapan menit dibandingkan 35 menit untuk prosedur STAR tercepat , namun para peneliti mencatat bahwa durasi operasi STAR adalah sebanding dengan rata-rata untuk anastomosis laparoskopi klinis , yang berkisar dari 30 menit sampai 90 menit , tergantung pada kompleksitas prosedur .

Dr. Kim said that since supervised, autonomous robotic surgery for soft tissue procedures has been proven effective, a next step in the development cycle would be further miniaturization of tools and improved sensors to allow for wider use of the STAR system.
He added that, with the right partner, some or all of the technology can be brought into the clinical space and bedside within the next two years.
The Sheikh Zayed Institute for Pediatric Surgical Innovation at Children's National Health System is a hub for innovation focused on making pediatric surgery more precise, less invasive and pain free. Founded in 2010 through a $150 million gift from the government of Abu Dhabi, the institute currently has more than 20 investigators primarily affiliated with the institute and more than 70 technical and scientific staff, including postgraduate and graduate students and fellows. The institute is further supported by, and has access to, more than 600 clinicians and clinician-scientists with Children's National and the Children's Research Institute, the research arm of Children's National.

Story Source:
The above post is reprinted from materials provided byChildren's National Health SystemNote: Materials may be edited for content and length.

Journal Reference:
1.      Azad Shademan, Ryan S. Decker, Justin D. Opfermann, Simon Leonard, Axel Krieger and Peter C. W. Kim.Supervised autonomous robotic soft tissue surgery.Science Translational Medicine, 2016 DOI:10.1126/scitranslmed.aad9398

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