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obat kanker bisa promosikan meregenerasi jaringan jantung
3 Februari 2017
UT Southwestern Medical Center
Agen antikanker dalam pengembangan mempromosikan regenerasi otot jantung 
yang rusak - temuan penelitian yang tak terduga yang dapat membantu mencegah 
gagal jantung kongestif di masa depan.

Agen antikanker dalam pengembangan mempromosikan regenerasi 
otot jantung yang rusak 0- penelitian temuan tak terduga yang dapat membantu 
mencegah gagal jantung kongestif di masa depan.
Banyak bagian tubuh, seperti sel-sel darah dan lapisan usus, terus memperbaharui 
sepanjang hidup. Lainnya, seperti jantung, yang tidak. Karena ketidakmampuan 
jantung untuk memperbaiki dirinya sendiri, kerusakan yang disebabkan oleh 
serangan jantung menyebabkan jaringan parut permanen yang sering 
mengakibatkan melemahnya jantung secara serius, dikenal sebagai gagal jantung.
Selama bertahun-tahun, Dr. Lawrence Lum, 
Associate Professor of Cell Biology at UT Southwestern Medical Center, telah bekerja untuk 
mengembangkan obat kanker yang menargetkan Wnt sinyal molekul . 
Molekul-molekul ini sangat penting untuk regenerasi jaringan, tetapi juga sering 
menyebabkan kanker. Penting untuk produksi protein Wnt pada manusia adalah 
porcupine  (Porcn) enzim, dinamakan demikian karena embrio lalat buah 
yang kekurangan gen ini menyerupai landak/porcupine. 
Dalam pengujian porcupine  inhibitor peneliti mengembangkan, 
mereka mencatat rasa ingin tahu.

Cancer drug could promote regeneration of heart tissue,obat kanker bisa mempromosikan regenerasi  pada jaringan jantung,anticancer agent,kanker,porcupine,Porcn,cardiomyocytes,Collagen,fibrotic

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Cancer drug could promote regeneration of heart tissue

February 3, 2017
UT Southwestern Medical Center
An anticancer agent in development promotes regeneration of damaged heart muscle -- an unexpected research finding that may help prevent congestive heart failure in the future.
An anticancer agent in development promotes regeneration of damaged heart muscle 0- an unexpected research finding that may help prevent congestive heart failure in the future.
Many parts of the body, such as blood cells and the lining of the gut, continuously renew throughout life. Others, such as the heart, do not. Because of the heart's inability to repair itself, damage caused by a heart attack causes permanent scarring that frequently results in serious weakening of the heart, known as heart failure.
For years, Dr. Lawrence Lum, Associate Professor of Cell Biology at UT Southwestern Medical Center, has worked to develop a cancer drug targeting Wnt signaling molecules. These molecules are crucial for tissue regeneration, but also frequently contribute to cancer. Essential to the production of Wnt proteins in humans is the porcupine (Porcn) enzyme, so-named because fruit fly embryos lacking this gene resemble a porcupine. In testing the porcupine inhibitor researchers developed, they noted a curiosity.
"We saw many predictable adverse effects -0 in bone and hair, for example 0- but one surprise was that the number of dividing cardiomyocytes (heart muscle cells) was slightly increased," said Dr. Lum, senior author of the paper, and a member of UTSW's Hamon Center for Regenerative Science and Medicine. "In addition to the intense interest in porcupine inhibitors as anticancer agents, this research shows that such agents could be useful in regenerative medicine."
Based on their initial results, the researchers induced heart attacks in mice and then treated them with a porcupine inhibitor. Their hearts' ability to pump blood improved by nearly twofold compared to untreated animals.
The study findings were published online this week inProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
"Our lab has been studying heart repair for several years, and it was striking to see that administration of a Wnt inhibitor significantly improved heart function following a heart attack in mice," said Dr. Rhonda Bassel-Duby, Professor of Molecular Biology and Associate Director of the Hamon Center for Regenerative Science and Medicine.
Importantly, in addition to the improved pumping ability of hearts in the mice, the researchers noticed a reduction in fibrosis, or scarring in the hearts. Collagen-laden scarring that occurs following a heart attack can cause the heart to inappropriately increase in size, and lead to heart failure.
"While fibrotic responses may be immediately beneficial, they can overwhelm the ability of the heart to regenerate in the long run. We think we have an agent that can temper this fibrotic response, thus improving wound healing of the heart," said Dr. Lum, a Virginia Murchison Linthicum Scholar in Medical Research and Associate Director of Basic Research at the Harold C. Simmons Comprehensive Cancer Center.
Additionally, Dr. Lum said, preliminary experiments indicate that the porcupine inhibitor would only need to be used for a short time following a heart attack, suggesting that the unpleasant side effects typically caused by cancer drugs might be avoided.
"We hope to advance a Porcn inhibitor into clinical testing as a regenerative agent for heart disease within the next year," Dr. Lum said.

Story Source:
Materials provided by UT Southwestern Medical CenterNote: Content may be edited for style and length.

Journal Reference:
1.    Jesung Moon, Huanyu Zhou, Li-shu Zhang, Wei Tan, Ying Liu, Shanrong Zhang, Lorraine K. Morlock, Xiaoping Bao, Sean P. Palecek, Jian Q. Feng, Noelle S. Williams, James F. Amatruda, Eric N. Olson, Rhonda Bassel-Duby, Lawrence Lum. Blockade to pathological remodeling of infarcted heart tissue using a porcupine antagonistProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2017; 201621346 DOI:10.1073/pnas.1621346114

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