gigi hiu memberikan tampilan baru yang rinci pada perubahan iklim Arktik
Shark teeth analysis provides detailed new look at Arctic climate change
July 9, 2014
University of Chicago
A new study shows that some shark species may be able
to cope with the rising salinity of Arctic waters that may come with rising
temperatures. The Arctic is of special interest today because it is increasing
in temperature at twice the global rate. According to researchers, past climate
change in the Arctic can serve as a proxy to better understand our current
climate change and aid future predictions. The Eocene epoch is like a
"deep-time analogue for what's going to happen if we don't curb CO2
emissions today, and potentially what a runaway greenhouse effect looks
A new study shows that some shark species may be able to
cope with the rising salinity of Arctic waters that may come with rising
The Arctic
today is best known for its tundra and polar bear population, but it wasn't
always like that. Roughly 53 to 38 million years ago during what is known as
the Eocene epoch, the Arctic was more similar to a huge temperate forest with
brackish water, home to a variety of animal life, including ancestors of
tapirs, hippo-like creatures, crocodiles and giant tortoises. Much of what is
known about the region during this period comes from well-documented
terrestrial deposits. Marine records have been harder to come by.
A new study
of shark teeth taken from a coastal Arctic Ocean site has expanded the
understanding of Eocene marine life. Leading the study was Sora Kim, the T.C.
Chamberlin Postdoctoral Fellow in Geophysical Sciences at the University of
Chicago, in coordination with Jaelyn Eberle at the University of Colorado,
Boulder, and their three co-authors. Their findings were published online June
30 by the journal Geology.
The Arctic
is of special interest today because it is increasing in temperature at twice
the global rate. According to Kim, past climate change in the Arctic can serve
as a proxy to better understand our current climate change and aid future
predictions. The Eocene epoch, she said, is like a "deep-time analogue for
what's going to happen if we don't curb CO2 emissions today, and potentially
what a runaway greenhouse effect looks like."
Before this
study, marine records primarily came from deep-sea cores pulled from a central
Arctic Ocean site, the Lomonosov Ridge. Kim and Eberle studied shark teeth from
a new coastal site on Banks Island. This allowed them to better understand the
changes in ocean water salinity across a broader geographic area during a time
of elevated global temperatures. Shark teeth are one of the few available
vertebrate marine fossils for this time period. They preserve well and are
incredibly abundant.
To arrive at
their results, Kim isolated and measured the mass ratio of oxygen isotopes 18
to 16 found in the prepared enameloid (somewhat different from human tooth
enamel) of the shark teeth. Sharks constantly exchange water with their
environment, so the isotopic oxygen ratio found in the teeth is directly
regulated by water temperature and salinity. With assumptions made about
temperatures, the group was able to focus on extrapolating salinity levels of
the water.
The results
were surprising. "The numbers I got back were really weird," Kim said.
"They looked like fresh water." The sand tiger sharks she was
studying are part of a group called lamniform sharks, which prefer to stay in
areas of high salinity.
more freshwater flows into the Arctic Ocean due to global warming, I think we
are going to see it become more brackish," said Eberle, associate
professor of geological sciences at CU-Boulder. "Maybe the fossil record
can shed some light on how the groups of sharks that are with us today may fare
in a warming world."
Because the
teeth are 40 to 50 million years old, many tests were run to eliminate any
possible contaminates, but the results were still the same. These findings
suggest that sharks may be able to cope with rises in temperature and the
subsequent decrease of water salinity. It has long been known that sharks are
hardy creatures. They have fossil records dating back some 400 million years,
surviving multiple mass extinctions, and have shown great ecological plasticity
thus far.
these results provide supporting evidence for the idea that the Arctic Ocean
was most likely isolated from global waters.
an analysis of fossil sand tiger shark teeth from the western Arctic Ocean,
this study offers new evidence for a less salty Arctic Ocean during an ancient
'greenhouse period,'" said Yusheng (Chris) Liu, program director in the
National Science Foundation (NSF)'s Division of Earth Sciences, which co-funded
the research with NSF's Division of Polar Programs. "The results also
confirm that the Arctic Ocean was isolated during that long-ago time."
While Kim
has hopes to expand her research both geographically and in geologic time in an
effort to better understand the ecology and evolution of sharks, she remarked
that "working with fossils is tricky because you have to work within the
localities that are preserved. "You can't always design the perfect
The above
story is based on materials provided by University of Chicago. Note: Materials may be edited for
content and length.