dua CT-scan Siberian mammoth
Short lives, violent deaths: Two CT-scanned Siberian mammoth calves yield
trove of insights
July 13,
University of Michigan
CT scans of two newborn woolly mammoths recovered from
the Siberian Arctic are revealing previously inaccessible details about the
early development of prehistoric pachyderms. In addition, the X-ray images show
that both creatures died from suffocation after inhaling mud.
CT scans of two newborn woolly mammoths recovered from the
Siberian Arctic are revealing previously inaccessible details about the early
development of prehistoric pachyderms. In addition, the X-ray images show that
both creatures died from suffocation after inhaling mud.
Lyuba and
Khroma, who died at ages 1 and 2 months, respectively, are the most complete
and best-preserved baby mammoth specimens ever found. Lyuba's full-body CT
scan, which used an industrial scanner at a Ford testing facility in Michigan,
was the first of its kind for any mammoth.
is the first time anyone's been able to do a comparative study of the skeletal
development of two baby mammoths of known age," said University of
Michigan paleontologist Daniel Fisher.
allowed us to document the changes that occur as the mammoth body
develops," Fisher said. "And since they are both essentially complete
skeletons, they can be thought of as Rosetta Stones that will help us interpret
all the isolated baby mammoth bones that show up at other localities."
director of the U-M Museum of Paleontology, is lead author of a paper published
online July 8 in a special issue of the Journal of Paleontology. The paper
provides a detailed discussion of the findings from the Lyuba and Khroma CT
scans and includes about 30 previously unpublished CT images.
The paper's
10 authors are from the United States, Russia and France. They include three
recent U-M graduates and a collections manager at the U-M paleontology museum.
permafrost yields mammoth surprises
Lyuba and
Khroma lived more than 40,000 years ago and belonged to mammoth populations
separated by roughly 3,000 miles. Lyuba was found by reindeer herders in May
2007 on the banks of the Yuribei River on the Yamal Peninsula, in northwest
Siberia. She was found frozen and partially dehydrated but otherwise appeared
to be intact, except for the loss of most of her hair and all of her nails.
Khroma was
found in October 2008 near the Khroma River in northernmost Yakutia, in
northeast Siberia. She was frozen in permafrost in an upright position. Ravens
and possibly arctic foxes scavenged exposed portions of her carcass, including
parts of the trunk and skull and the fat hump that likely covered the back of
her neck. Otherwise, the body was recovered in good condition.
Because of
the remarkable preservation of Lyuba and Khroma, stringent conditions were
placed on their study. Some dissection and limited sampling were allowed, but
both specimens were left mostly intact. CT scans offered a non-destructive
means of visualizing and analyzing much of their anatomy without compromising
exhibit potential or options for future analysis.
CT scans of
Lyuba were done in Tokyo in 2009 and in Wisconsin in 2010, using medical
scanners. But because of Lyuba's size (about 110 pounds and slightly smaller
than a baby elephant), the researchers could not acquire 3-D data from her
entire body. They finally succeeded in October 2010 at Ford Motor Co.'s
Nondestructive Evaluation Laboratory in Livonia, Mich., using a scanner
designed for finding flaws in vehicle transmissions.
Khroma's CT
scans were done at two French hospitals. Micro-CT scans of teeth from both
mammoth calves were conducted at the University of Michigan School of
Dentistry. From the dental studies, Fisher and colleagues determined that Lyuba
died 30 to 35 days after birth and estimated that Khroma's age at death was
between 52 and 57 days.
technique more than 30 years in the making
researchers used a technique developed by Fisher over the past 30-plus years
that involves counting daily growth layers inside the teeth, a bit like
counting the annual growth rings on a tree to determine its age. The dental
studies also indicate that both mammoths were born in the spring.
Scans of
Khroma's skull showed she had a brain slightly smaller than that of a newborn
elephant, which hints at the possibility of a shorter gestation period for
skull is conspicuously narrower than Khroma's, and her upper jawbones are more
slender, while Khroma's shoulder blades and foot bones are more developed.
These differences may simply reflect the one-month age difference between the
calves, or they could relate to the different populations from which the two
calves derived.
researchers refer to both calves as mummies due to the high level of
soft-tissue preservation. In addition to fully articulated skeletons, the
carcasses held preserved muscle, fat, connective tissue, organs and skin.
Khroma even had clotted blood inside intact blood vessels and undigested milk
in the stomach.
two exquisitely preserved baby mammoths are like two snapshots in time. We can
use them to understand how factors like location and age influenced the way
mammoths grew into the huge adults that captivate us today," said
co-author Zachary T. Calamari of the American Museum of Natural History, who
began investigating mammoths as a U-M undergraduate working with Fisher.
Short lives,
violent deaths
In addition
to providing unprecedented insights into mammoth development, the CT scans of
Lyuba and Khroma show that both youngsters died after inhaling mud, then
suffocating, according to the authors of the Journal of Paleontology paper.
This death scenario was suggested for Lyuba shortly after she was first
examined. The Khroma CT scans demonstrate that she suffered a similar fate.
In Lyuba,
the scans revealed a solid mass of fine-grained sediment blocking the air
passages in the middle of the trunk. Sediment was also seen in Lyuba's throat
and bronchial passages. If Lyuba had died by drowning rather than suffocation
-- as some have suggested -- then traces of sediment should also have been
detected in parts of the lungs beyond the bronchial passages, but that was not
the case.
coarser sediment was found in Khroma's trunk, mouth and throat. Her lungs
weren't available for study because they were scavenged before the carcass was
recovered. Since both animals appear to have been healthy at the time of death,
a "traumatic demise" involving the inhalation of mud and suffocation
appears to be the most likely cause of death in both cases, according to the
researchers suspect that Lyuba died in a lake because sediments found in her
respiratory tract include fine-grained vivianite, a deep blue iron- and
phosphate-bearing mineral that commonly forms in cold, oxygen-poor settings
such as lake bottoms.
possible that Lyuba crashed through the ice while crossing a lake during the
spring melt. If she was struggling to breathe while submerged in a frigid lake,
the mammalian "diving reflex" may have kicked in during her final moments,
Fisher said. The reflex is triggered by cold water contacting the face, and it
initiates physiological changes that enable animals to stay underwater for
extended periods of time.
changes include a shifting of blood from the extremities to the body's core,
including the brain and heart. The blood shift would help explain small
vivianite nodules found on Lyuba's facial tissues during a necropsy. The CT
scans revealed vivianite nodules, up to several millimeters in length, on the
surface of the skull and inside it.
provided iron source for vivianite nodules?
coursing into Lyuba's brain, due to the mammalian diving reflex, may have
provided the iron source for the vivianite nodules, according to the authors.
Lactic acid-producing bacteria ate away at her bones after death, possibly
liberating the phosphate ions used to make vivianite, Fisher said.
A possible
death scenario for Khroma places the calf and her mother on a riverbank in the
spring. Khroma had been nursing less than an hour before her death, as
evidenced by undigested milk found in her stomach during a necropsy by a team
of scientists that included Fisher.
looked like you'd just popped the top on a container of yogurt," Fisher
recalled. "It was that white. It was that smooth. Just fresh, creamy milk
from mama mammoth."
Perhaps the
riverbank collapsed and the two mammoths, mother and daughter, plunged into the
river. A fall would account for the fractured spinal column revealed by
Khroma's CT scan, as well as the mud she inhaled.
The CT scan
paper is part of a special Journal of Paleontology issue on three-dimensional
visualization and analysis of fossils. In addition to Fisher and Calamari, the
paper's authors are Ethan A. Shirley, Christopher D. Whalen and Adam Rountrey
of the U-M Museum of Paleontology; Alexei N. Tikhonov of the Russian Academy of
Sciences; Bernard Buigues of the International Mammoth Committee in France;
Frederic Lacombat of the Musee de Paleontologie de Chilhac in France; and
Semyon Grigoriev and Piotr A. Lazarev of the North-Eastern Federal University
in Russia.
Fisher is
the Claude W. Hibbard Collegiate Professor of Paleontology, a professor in the
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, and a professor in the
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. Calamari, Shirley and Whalen
are recent U-M graduates and spent a month in Siberia with Fisher in 2012,
searching for mammoth remains. Rountrey is the collections manager for
vertebrates at the U-M Museum of Paleontology.
The research
was supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation and by the National
Geographic Society.
The above
story is based on materials provided by University of Michigan. Note: Materials may be edited
for content and length.
- Daniel C. Fisher, Ethan A. Shirley, Christopher D. Whalen, Zachary T. Calamari, Adam N. Rountrey, Alexei N. Tikhonov, Bernard Buigues, Frédéric Lacombat, Semyon Grigoriev, Piotr A. Lazarev. X-ray computed tomography of two mammoth calf mummies. Journal of Paleontology, 2014; 88 (4): 664 DOI: 10.1666/13-092
Cite This
University of Michigan. "Short
lives, violent deaths: Two CT-scanned Siberian mammoth calves yield trove of
insights." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 13 July 2014.