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Jam sirkadian terkait dengan sindrom Angelman
Ahli biologi telah menemukan hubungan langsung antara jam biologis dan sindrom Angelman , gangguan neurogenetik yang terjadi pada lebih dari satu dari setiap 15.000 kelahiran hidup . Link dapat memberikan cara yang berharga untuk menilai efektivitas obat eksperimental pertama yang sedang dikembangkan untuk mengobati sindrom....read more
Circadian clock
linked to Angelman syndrome
February 5, 2015
Vanderbilt University
Biologists have found
a direct link between the biological clock and Angelman syndrome, a
neurogenetic disorder that occurs in more than one in every 15,000 live births.
The link may provide a valuable way to judge the effectiveness of the first
experimental drugs under development for treating the syndrome.
monitoring participants'
biological clocks may be the quickest way to determine the effectiveness of
experimental drugs currently under development to treat Angelman syndrome: a
debilitating genetic disorder that occurs in more than one in every 15,000 live
That is one of the implications of a study published in the Feb. 5 issue of
the journal Current Biology which establishes a
molecular-level link between a slow-down in the biological clock in the brains
of individuals with AS and the genetic deficits that cause the condition.
Currently, there is no way to treat AS, which delays brain development and
causes lack of speech, seizures, walking and balance problems and sleep
disorders. In the last five years, however, scientists have found two
approaches that hold considerable promise that will soon be undergoing clinical
"One of the problems with assessing the effectiveness of treatments
for AS is that it might take years for the improvements to become
apparent," said co-author Terry Jo Bichell, the doctoral student at
Vanderbilt University who performed the pilot studies of the relationship
between AS and Circadian rhythm. "However, the slower biological clock in
Angelman syndrome could provide the quickest way to prove that a treatment is
working. Normalization of the core circadian rhythms of AS subjects would be a
great biomarker for experimental medications."
Angelman syndrome, which is often misdiagnosed as cerebral palsy or autism,
is caused when the maternal copy of a specific gene, UBE3A located on
chromosome 15, is missing or damaged.
"This gene plays an important role in regulating the concentration of
the enzyme ubiquitin ligase during development," said Carl Johnson,
Stevenson Professor of Biological Sciences and senior author on the study.
"Ubiquitin ligase, in turn, regulates a number of other proteins. When the
concentration is too high, it can lead to autism, but if it is too low, it can
cause Angelman syndrome."
Normally, an individual has both a maternal and paternal copy of UBE3A.
However, only the maternal copy is expressed in the brain. The paternal gene is
silenced. The majority of AS cases (68 percent) are caused by a "big
deletion" where a big chunk of DNA including UBE3A is missing from the
maternal copy of chromosome 15. Another 11 percent of the cases are due to
point mutations that inactivate the gene and 7 percent occur in individuals who
end up with two copies of the paternal gene. The remainder is due to several
other causes.
The promising experimental treatments that are approaching the stage of
clinical trials involve efforts to activate the paternal copy of UBE3A in the
brain. One is exploring the use of Topotecan, a cancer chemotherapy agent.
Another involves the development of a small DNA analog, known as an antisense
oligonucleotide, that can unsilence the paternal AS gene in a highly selective
"This is very exciting," said Bichell, whose son has AS.
"Fifteen years ago when our son was diagnosed with AS there were no
treatments. There weren't even any clinical trials."
Serious sleep disorders are one of the symptoms of AS. These can be so
serious that the children must sleep in special crib-like beds to keep them
from wandering or harming themselves at night.
The Vanderbilt researchers used two strains of mice that exhibited the
symptoms of AS. One had the equivalent of the "big deletion" and the
other had a point mutation in UBE3A. The researchers determined that the
biological clocks of both strains ran significantly slower than normal. They
also found that their biological clocks were not as robust as normal and were
more easily influenced by environmental conditions. According to the
researchers, these characteristics can account for the sleep disorders that AS
patients experience.
"In many cases, animal models do not recapitulate the clinical
features of major mental disorders," said Research Assistant Professor
Shuqun Shi who performed most of the study. "But this is an exception.
Angelman Syndrome is caused primarily by a loss of function of a single gene
and the mouse models we used mimic many of the symptoms in human patients. Of
course, we must be cautious when we try to apply the results of these studies
to humans."
"If we can just find a treatment that allows AS patients to sleep
soundly, it would be very worthwhile," said Bichell. "Dealing with
sleep disorders can be one of the most stressful aspects of raising a child
with AS."
The research was supported by National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute
grant R21HL102492-01A1, National Institute of General Medical Sciences grant
R01GM088595, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
U24DK076169 and the Brain & Behavior Research Foundation Young Investigator
Award #17623.
Story Source:
The above story is based on materials provided by Vanderbilt University. The original article was written by David
Salisbury. Note: Materials may be edited for content and length.