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Tidak ada hubungan yang ditemukan antara vaksin MMR dan autisme , bahkan di antara anak-anak pada risiko tinggi

April 21, 2015
JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association
Dalam sebuah penelitian yang termasuk sekitar 95.000 anak-anak dengan saudara yang lebih tua , penerimaan vaksin measles-mumps-rubella ( MMR) tidak berhubungan dengan peningkatan risiko gangguan spektrum autisme ( ASD ) , terlepas dari apakah saudara yang lebih tua memiliki ASD , temuan yang mengindikasikan tidak ada hubungan berbahaya  antara  penerimaan vaksin MMR dan ASD bahkan di antara anak-anak yang sudah memiliki risiko lebih tinggi untuk ASD , menurut sebuah studi baru .

............ Meskipun  penelitian selama 15 tahun terakhir telah menemukan hubungan antara vaksin MMR dan ASD , orang tua dan lain-lainnya  terus mengaitkan vaksin dengan ASD . Survei dari orang tua yang memiliki anak dengan ASD menunjukkan bahwa banyak yang percaya vaksin MMR adalah penyebab kontribusi . Keyakinan ini , dikombinasikan dengan diketahuinya  bahwa adik-adik dari anak-anak dengan ASD sudah berisiko genetik yang lebih tinggi untuk ASD dibandingkan dengan populasi umum , mungkin meminta orang tua ini untuk menghindari vaksinasi anak-anak mereka yang lebih muda , menurut informasi latar belakang dalam artikel tersebut .....more

No association found between MMR vaccine and autism, even among children at higher risk
April 21, 2015
JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association
In a study that included approximately 95,000 children with older siblings, receipt of the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine was not associated with an increased risk of autism spectrum disorders (ASD), regardless of whether older siblings had ASD, findings that indicate no harmful association between receipt of MMR vaccine and ASD even among children already at higher risk for ASD, according to a new study.
In a study that included approximately 95,000 children with older siblings, receipt of the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine was not associated with an increased risk of autism spectrum disorders (ASD), regardless of whether older siblings had ASD, findings that indicate no harmful association between receipt of MMR vaccine and ASD even among children already at higher risk for ASD, according to a study in the April 21 issue of JAMA, a theme issue on child health.
Although a substantial body of research over the last 15 years has found no link between the MMR vaccine and ASD, parents and others continue to associate the vaccine with ASD. Surveys of parents who have children with ASD suggest that many believe the MMR vaccine was a contributing cause. This belief, combined with knowing that younger siblings of children with ASD are already at higher genetic risk for ASD compared with the general population, might prompt these parents to avoid vaccinating their younger children, according to background information in the article.
Anjali Jain, M.D., of the Lewin Group, Falls Church, Va., and colleagues examined ASD occurrence by MMR vaccine status in a large sample of U.S. children who have older siblings with and without ASD. The researchers used an administrative claims database associated with a large commercial health plan. Participants included children continuously enrolled in the health plan from birth to at least 5 years of age during 2001-2012 who also had an older sibling continuously enrolled for at least 6 months between 1997 and 2012.
Of the 95,727 children included in the study, 1,929 (2.01 percent) had an older sibling with ASD. Overall, 994 (1.04 percent) children in the cohort had ASD diagnosed during follow-up. Among those who had an older sibling with ASD, 134 (6.9 percent) were diagnosed with ASD, compared with 860 (0.9 percent) diagnosed with ASD among those with siblings without ASD. The MMR vaccination rate (l dose or more) for the children with unaffected siblings (siblings without ASD) was 84 percent (n = 78,564) at 2 years and 92 percent (n = 86,063) at age 5 years. In contrast, the MMR vaccination rates for children with older siblings with ASD were lower (73 percent at age 2 years and 86 percent at age 5 years). Analysis of the data indicated that MMR vaccine receipt was not associated with an increased risk of ASD at any age.
"Consistent with studies in other populations, we observed no association between MMR vaccination and increased ASD risk among privately insured children. We also found no evidence that receipt of either 1 or 2 doses of MMR vaccination was associated with an increased risk of ASD among children who had older siblings with ASD. As the prevalence of diagnosed ASD increases, so does the number of children who have siblings diagnosed with ASD, a group of children who are particularly important as they were undervaccinated in our observations as well as in previous reports," the authors write.
Editorial: Promising Forecast for Autism Spectrum Disorders
In an accompanying editorial, Bryan H. King, M.D., M.B.A., of the University of Washington and Seattle Children's Hospital, Seattle, comments on the findings of this study.
"Some parents of children with ASD may have chosen to delay immunization in subsequent children until they were certain any risk had passed. Such behavior, which arguably could enrich the immunization rate in the nonautism subgroup relative to the group that may have been showing early atypical development, might create the impression that MMR vaccine is actually reducing risk for ASD. Indeed, Jain et al report relative risks of less than 1.0. Even so, short of arguing that MMR vaccine actually reduces the risk of ASD in those who were immunized by age 2 years, the only conclusion that can be drawn from the study is that there is no signal to suggest a relationship between MMR and the development of autism in children with or without a sibling who has autism."
"Taken together, some dozen studies have now shown that the age of onset of ASD does not differ between vaccinated and unvaccinated children, the severity or course of ASD does not differ between vaccinated and unvaccinated children, and now the risk of ASD recurrence in families does not differ between vaccinated and unvaccinated children."

Story Source:
The above post is reprinted from materials provided by JAMA - Journal of the American Medical AssociationNote: Materials may be edited for content and length.

Journal References:
1.    Anjali Jain, Jaclyn Marshall, Ami Buikema, Tim Bancroft, Jonathan P. Kelly, Craig J. Newschaffer. Autism Occurrence by MMR Vaccine Status Among US Children With Older Siblings With and Without Autism.JAMA, 2015 DOI: 10.1001/jama.2015.3077
2.    Bryan H. King. Promising Forecast for Autism Spectrum DisordersJAMA, 2015 DOI: 10.1001/jama.2015.2628

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