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Ratusan pekerjaan tanah kuno yang
dibangun di Amazon
7 Februari 2017
University of Exeter
Hutan hujan Amazon berubah lebih dari
2.000 tahun yang lalu
oleh orang-orang kuno yang membangun ratusan ,
tanah besar yang misterius.
Hutan hujan Amazon berubah lebih dari
dua ribu tahun yang lalu oleh
orang-orang kuno yang membangun ratusan ,
pekerjaan tanah besar yang misterius.
Temuan oleh ahli Brasil dan Inggris memberikan bukti baru bagaimana
masyarakat adat hidup di Amazon
sebelum orang Eropa tiba di wilayah tersebut.
terletak di negara bagian Acre di Brazil Amazon Barat,
yang tersembunyi selama berabad-abad oleh pohon-pohon. deforestasi yang modern
telah memungkinkan penemuan lebih dari 450 ini geoglyph geometris besar
ancient,earthworks,rainforest,Ratusan pekerjaan
tanah kuno yang dibangun di Amazon,deforestation, geometrical ,geoglyphs,deforestasi,ekosistim,Acre's,
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Hundreds of ancient earthworks built in the Amazon
February 7, 2017
University of Exeter
The Amazonian rainforest was transformed
over 2,000 years ago by ancient people who built hundreds of large, mysterious
The Amazonian rainforest was transformed
over two thousand years ago by ancient people who built hundreds of large,
mysterious earthworks.
Findings by Brazilian and UK experts
provide new evidence for how indigenous people lived in the Amazon before
European people arrived in the region.
The ditched enclosures, in Acre state in
the western Brazilian Amazon, were concealed for centuries by trees. Modern
deforestation has allowed the discovery of more than 450 of these large
geometrical geoglyphs.
The function of these mysterious sites
is still little understood -- they are unlikely to be villages, since
archaeologists recover very few artefacts during excavation. The layout doesn't
suggest they were built for defensive reasons. It is thought they were used
only sporadically, perhaps as ritual gathering places.
The structures are ditched enclosures
that occupy roughly 13,000 km2. Their discovery challenges assumptions that the
rainforest ecosystem has been untouched by humans.
The research was carried out by Jennifer
Watling, post-doctoral researcher at the Museum of Archaeology and Ethnography,
University of São Paulo, when she was studying for a PhD at the University of
Dr Watling said: "The fact that
these sites lay hidden for centuries beneath mature rainforest really
challenges the idea that Amazonian forests are 'pristine ecosystems`.
"We immediately wanted to know
whether the region was already forested when the geoglyphs were built, and to
what extent people impacted the landscape to build these earthworks."
Using state-of-the-art methods, the team
members were able to reconstruct 6000 years of vegetation and fire history
around two geoglyph sites. They found that humans heavily altered bamboo
forests for millennia and small, temporary clearings were made to build the
Instead of burning large tracts of
forest -- either for geoglyph construction or agricultural practices -- people
transformed their environment by concentrating on economically valuable tree
species such as palms, creating a kind of 'prehistoric supermarket' of useful
forest products. The team found tantalizing evidence to suggest that the
biodiversity of some of Acre's remaining forests may have a strong legacy of
these ancient 'agroforestry' practices.
Dr. Watling said: "Despite the huge
number and density of geoglyph sites in the region, we can be certain that
Acre's forests were never cleared as extensively, or for as long, as they have
been in recent years.
"Our evidence that Amazonian
forests have been managed by indigenous peoples long before European Contact
should not be cited as justification for the destructive, unsustainable
land-use practiced today. It should instead serve to highlight the ingenuity of
past subsistence regimes that did not lead to forest degradation, and the
importance of indigenous knowledge for finding more sustainable land-use
The full article will be released in
the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA
and involved researchers from the universities of Exeter, Reading and Swansea
(UK), São Paulo, Belém and Acre (Brazil). The research was funded by the Arts
and Humanities Research Council, National Geographic, and the Natural
Environment Research Council Radiocarbon Facility.
To conduct the study, the team extracted
soil samples from a series of pits dug within and outside of the geoglyphs.
From these soils, they analysed 'phytoliths', a type of microscopic plant
fossil made of silica, to reconstruct ancient vegetation; charcoal quantities,
to assess the amount of ancient forest burning; and carbon stable isotopes, to
indicate how 'open' the vegetation was in the past.
Story Source:
Journal Reference:
1. Jennifer Watling, José Iriarte, Francis E. Mayle,
Denise Schaan, Luiz C. R. Pessenda, Neil J. Loader, F. Alayne Street-Perrott,
Ruth E. Dickau, Antonia Damasceno, Alceu Ranzi. Impact of pre-Columbian
“geoglyph” builders on Amazonian forests. Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences, 2017; 201614359 DOI:10.1073/pnas.1614359114
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