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Here's How to Avoid Whale Skin Burned
Ayunda W Savitri - Okezone
Sunday, September 1, 2013 15:05 pm
LONDON - The team of researchers from Newcastle University in the UK discovered a unique similarity between whale and man. A study showed that blue whales spend a lot of time swimming under the sun rays will experience brown in skin color.
For that, they darken most of the color of their skin during the migration to the Gulf of California in the summer to protect themselves from UV rays and free radicals are harmful.
"The blue whale has a layer structure lighter skin than the other two types of whales that inhabit the oceans , sperm whales and fin whales," said one of the researchers, as reported by NewSer, Sunday (01/09/2013).
Many sperm whales spend up to six hours at sea level, so much to absorb UV exposure. To that end, they activate a number of genetic bodies as described by National Geographic.
"This process is similar to how the human body produces antioxidants to ward off free radicals and molecules that can damage the genetic and cell in the body," he continued.
Meanwhile, fin whales have darker skin than both of them and have a better fate. Where, they have melanin (natural pigment) are good and do not migrate to the Gulf of California.
However, it does not mean that all three types of whale free from the risk of skin cancer.
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Ayunda W Savitri - Okezone
Minggu, 1 September 2013 15:05 wib
Untuk itu, mereka menggelapkan sebagian warna kulitnya selama migrasi ke Teluk California pada musim panas untuk melindungi diri dari sinar UV dan radikal bebas yang berbahaya.
“Paus biru memiliki stuktur lapisan kulit yang lebih ringan dibanding dua jenis paus lainnya yang menghuni lautan yakni paus sperma dan paus sirip,” ungkap salah seorang peneliti, sebagaimana dilansir Newser, Minggu (1/9/2013).
Paus sperma banyak menghabiskan waktu hingga enam jam di permukaan laut, sehingga banyak menyerap paparan sinar UV. Untuk itu, tubuh mereka mengaktifkan sejumlah genetik seperti yang dijelaskan oleh National Geographic.
“Proses ini mirip dengan bagaimana tubuh manusia menghasilkan antioksidan untuk menangkal radikal bebas dan molekul yang bisa merusak genetik dan sel dalam tubuh,” lanjutnya.
Sementara, paus sirip memiliki kulit yang lebih gelap dibanding keduanya dan memiliki nasib yang lebih baik. Di mana, mereka memiliki melanin (pigmen alami) yang baik dan tidak bermigrasi ke Teluk California.
Akan tetapi, bukan berarti ketiga jenis paus itu bebas dari risiko kanker kulit.